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  • The VT Department of Corrections (DOC) receives the Ford Foundation grant of $100,000 to be directed exclusively to the creation of publicity about Reparative Probation. It resulted in several major publications and a presentation of the award at the White House by Al Gore.

  • The DOC awards grants to Burlington, Newport, Rutland, Brattleboro, Barre, Montpelier, St. Johnsbury and White River, to begin Community Justice Centers, incorporating the Reparative Boards that were operational in those communities. 


  • The City of Burlington begins work toward a "Community Restorative Justice Center" in March 1998; Mayor Peter Clavelle hosts a town meeting on crime and approximately 200 community members attend

  • A citizen-based Steering Committee formed which was used to coordinate state and local programs addressing crime and conflict.  The Citizens Advisory Committee is made up of 30 people, including community and City representatives. Original members of the BCJC would meet and work in the same building as Vermont Pub and Brewery at 95 St. Paul Street.


  • BCJC secures federal grant on Center’s opening day 



  • Mike Reilly devient le premier directeur du BCJC

  • La législature du Vermont élabore la politique de la justice réparatrice et finance le DOC pour soutenir les CJC. Cela fait partie du financement de base l'année suivante.



  • The Citizen’s Advisory Committee bylaws are adopted



  • The BCJC moves above the current location of City Market at 82 South Winooski St.

  • Cara Gleason becomes the new director

  • The Center for Community and Neighborhoods (CCAN) opens and includes the BCJC under its umbrella

  • Restorative Justice Panels and Graffiti first response teams begin

  • BCJC wins the national “Graffiti Hurts” Award Program



  • Youth Restorative Justice Panels begin

  • The BCJC coordinates a SVORI (Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative) grant with the Burlington Housing Authority to arrange housing for people 4-6 months before their release from prison



  • The Parallel Justice Program for Victims of Crime, a partnership between the BCJC, the Burlington Police Dept. and the VT Center for Crime Victim Services,  is launched



  • Karen Vastine becomes director

  • BCJC offices more to the Richardson building at 127 College St





  • The Noise Panels begin in partnership with the Burlington PD




  • BCJC volunteers win the Governor's Award for Outstanding Community Service

  • BCJC begins working with Burlington High School 




  • BCJC moves to 179 S. Winooski Street

  • Parallel Justice receives an "Excellence in Victim Services" award from the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The award recognizes the Burlington Police Department's response to crime victims through Parallel Justice.

  • Karen Vastine, together with directors from the St. Albans and Montpelier CJCs and the Chittenden County State’s Attorney, invited to speak at a national roundtable hosted by the Center for Court Innovation.



  • The Retail Theft Awareness and Prevention (RTAP), a group class for people who have shoplifted, begins.  The class serves approximately 100 people who have committed the crime of retail theft each year

  • Clark Sheldon, Parallel Justice Specialist, wins state-wide “Excellence in Advocacy” award during National Crime Victim’s Rights Week (each yr, he contacted more than 1000 victims of crime to offer support and services)



  • The new Community Advisory Committee bylaws were adopted

  • The city of Burlington received the federal Justice Assistance Grant of $40,000 to fund the CJC

  • The state of Vermont recognizes 1,000 volunteers implementing restorative justice around the state



  • Rachel Jolly becomes the BCJC’s fifth director

  • The BCJC receives a five year accreditation from the Community Justice Network of  VT

  • The Burlington school district begins a District-wide initiative to incorporate restorative practices, and continues to partner with the BCJC



  • The CJC’s 15th anniversary is celebrated at the “Celebrate Burlington” event

  • The Ken Schatz award is established to honor those who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to restorative justice

  • BCJC partners with UVM, Champlain College and the Burlington Police Department to conduct a community safety survey

  •  Vermont Center for Justice Research study finds that defendants who went through Chittenden County State’s Attorney Office-created Rapid Intervention Community Court (RICC) were three times less likely to commit new crimes than those who went through the traditional court system



  • The BCJC deepens partnership with Burlington High School to help incorporate restorative practices into the school 



  • The BCJC moves to its current location at 200 Church St

  • Anneke Hohl takes over as the director of the BCJC



  • Rain Banbury, Parallel Justice Specialist, wins the Community Victim Advocate of the Year award from the VT Center for Crime Victim Services

  • As a product of a responsible party’s RJ panel contract following a motorist hitting a bicyclist, a short “Share the Road” video PSA is created. 



  • The BCJC and the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services releases the “Parallel Justice Implementation Guide”, the first of its kind in the nation

  • The BCJC is awarded the Court Diversion and Pretrial Services contract for Chittenden County with the Attorney General’s office and almost doubles its staff from seven to thirteen between July and September




  • COVID-19 comes to Vermont and City offices close on March 16. All BCJC programs move to remote status until July of the following year.

  • George Floyd is murdered by police in May; the BCJC begins to explore becoming an anti-racist organization.


  • The Voices of St. Joseph's Orphanage, a restorative inquiry initiative hosted by the BCJC since 2019, helps to advocate for the passage of S99, repealing the statute of limitations on childhood physical abuse.

  • The former children of the St. Joseph's Orphanage receive the VT Center for Crime Victim Services' Survivor/Activist award and Marc Wennberg, the BCJC consultant facilitating the group, is awarded the Ally award.



  • The BCJC pilots a DUI Diversion program in partnership with the State's Attorney's Office which is later adopted and made permanent

  • The BCJ hires The Creative Discourse Group to conduct an Equity Assessment, which included a survey, interviews, listening sessions, and a document review



  • The Final Equity Assess,emt Report with recommendations is released.



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